In the beginning was the Word…
On Sunday, preaching from the Gospel of John, chapter 1: 1-18, I spoke of theologian/preacher Barbara Brown Taylor’s suggestion that in this season of Christmastide – this season when we move from tiny baby awe into full-grown action – each of us has a ‘word’ that we are personally responsible for bringing to life. That word might be compassion, or passion, or justice, or generosity, or patience, or love, peace-making, or hospitality, or healing, or listening, or teaching, or building, or creating, or community, or steadfastness, or ??? Barbara Brown Taylor explains that word is already here – [In the beginning was the Word… John 1: 1] - but until someone acts upon it - it is just a word – just an abstract concept. It might be a nice idea – maybe even a good idea – but it isn’t real - yet. However - the moment – the very moment - that someone begins to act upon their word – that word becomes flesh – it becomes them. And those words begin to live among us - we can visibly see them come alive.
Some of you have shared with me what you think your word(s) or the word(s) for our church might be: gentle, support, affirmation, strong, tenacious….
As we move into this new year, I encourage you to pray, meditate, discover, and discern your word or words – and then to the best of your ability (with the help of God) bring those words to life – bring those words to glory – so that we might all experience and celebrate their ‘becoming’.