We are OPEN and AFFIRMING and a JUST PEACE Church.
Wherever you are on your faith journey,
you are welcome here.

Thursday, December 17, 2009

From your pastor and teacher...

This week I am so thankful for children - for children’s voices, children’s eyes, children’s faces, and children’s ability to help each one of us recognize all over again the wonder in ordinary things.

Last Sunday, our children led us with Mary and Joseph, on a journey of awareness and justice as they traveled from door to door – each closed firmly as they asked for a place - in our Las Posadas pageant. I think each one of us gained a new understanding of exactly what the opposite of the ‘Radical Hospitality’ and ‘Extravagant Welcome’ of the United Church of Christ are all about. Through children telling the stories of the grandchild of a Russian Jew who still has tattoo marks on her arm from a Concentration camp, a child who’s gay uncle who is not welcomed, a child whose family home was lost to flooding in last spring’s Red River valley flood, to the child of commercial corn and soybean farmers - as well as the responding stories in each case of a friend or classmate who closes the door to their situation – we learned why saying and living that “All are Welcome Here” is so vitally important to our faith community.

If you missed the pageant or just want to see it again, Garrett Miedema is creating a CD from the video which will include the background slide show, extra photos, and a soundtrack.

There are many folks to thank for making this pageant possible:
Thank you: to Maya and Max Gerads, Kennedy and Sawyer Miedema, Sydney and Lucas Meyer, Hannah and Grace Peterson, Anna and Anders Rudie, Eric and Marie Ljosenvoor - our outstanding cast.
- to the Pilgrim Choir for the Las Posadas chorus throughout the pageant.
- to Steve Meyer and Toni Beckler for providing the video projector and the pizza meal after Saturday’s rehearsal.
- to Amy and Marty Peterson for providing treat bags for the children.
- to Deb Miedema for taking photos to create keepsake Christmas ornaments.
- to Garrett Miedema and his dad for making the very sturdy door – the only set needed.
- to Gretchen Gardebring for costume changes for the children.
- to all parents for getting your children to rehearsal and the performance on time.
- to everyone in our congregation for expressing your appreciation so profoundly.
- and finally – a huge thanks to Gigi Nauer for writing the script for the pageant, rewriting the lyrics and music to a more familiar carol tune, creating the background photo slide show, and being the music director.

This coming Sunday our worship will be a Service of Healing and Wholeness. Through ritual including lighting candles and special prayers and blessings, we will embrace the dark side of this holy season. Please invite friends and family to come with you to participate in this service of worship.

My prayer for you as we come to the end of this third week of Advent - and as I look outside my window onto a snowy landscape sparkling in the winter sunshine - is that you make time in your busy lives to experience the world anew through new eyes. Look and hear long enough – even if it takes a while - to find the amazing in the ordinary – to realize that city lights are just as beautiful as those on your tree, that the joy of your dog snowdozing is a pure unadulterated joy that has nothing to do with anything but the moment; that the Holy can also be found in ‘Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer”. May your Advent be filled with moments like these.
Blessing to you all ……….. Robin

Friday, December 11, 2009

From your pastor and teacher:

What a wonderful celebration of welcoming and community last Sunday. A very special welcome to our new members: Kim and Andy Bleasdale and infant daughter Hailey, Jill Ashley-Growchowski, Gretchen Gardebring, Kathy Grafe, and Heather and Ryan Walker and infant twins Reece and Amelia. We also celebrated the sacrament of baptism for Ryan, Reece and Amelia Walker. What a joyful day for our church!

This coming Sunday, we’ll join with our children as they lead us in a global version of Las Posadas. A reminder to all parents and children from kindergarten through jr. high – there will be a final rehearsal of the pageant and worship service on Saturday afternoon from 3:30 – 6:00 pm. If you can’t make the rehearsal or will be late, please email Robin or Gigi to let us know. Parents – we could also use some help bringing in and setting up the risers.

Also – a last minute reminder to bake (or buy) cookies or other treats [remember no nuts] to share during fellowship time on Sunday following the pageant.
And while you are out and about, don’t forget to pick up a Christmas gift (or two or three) for a child our youth. You may place it under the CROSS giving tree. The gifts will be delivered to CROSS early in the week so that they can be sorted and distributed to families who need them.

Looking ahead – on Sunday, December 20 we will be offering a healing and wholeness service as our final Sunday in Advent. Recognizing that the holiday season is not always a celebration of joy for everyone, we will make room for grief and sadness and include rituals of healing, and prayers and blessings for hopefulness.

And don’t forget that our Christmas Eve Candlelight service of Lessons and Carols will begin at 3:45 pm with a prelude of special music. Bring your family and friends to worship with us celebrating this very special day. Angel, shepherd and sheep costumes will be available for children to wear to participate in our Nativity scene during worship.

I hope that all of you are finding – making – time to slow down a little, to revel in the sparkle and glitter of a million multicolored glittering lights on trees and houses and office buildings, giving us just a glimpse of what it will be like when the ‘Light of the World – Jesus the Christ’ comes bursting into our world on Christmas once again. May the deep, deep peace of this season be with you all.


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Welcome to the Adventure of Advent....

From your pastor and teacher…..
What an exciting time at Pilgrims United Church of Christ. Right in the midst of Advent – the waiting – waiting – waiting – now and not yet time – we are celebrating the joining of seven new members and the baptisms of three infants and one adult! Sunday, November 28 was a wonderful celebration of the 1st Sunday of Advent and the baptism of Clara Genevieve Hughes, daughter of Katie and Jeremy Hughes and granddaughter of Sue and Scott Wieker. This coming Sunday, Dec. 6 will be the joining of Kim and Andy Bleasedale (infant daughter Hailey), Jill Ashley-Growchowski, Gretchen Gardebring, Kathy Grafe, and Ryan and Heather Walker (infant twins Reece and Amelia). We will also be baptizing Ryan, Reece and Amelia and welcoming all of these folks into the life and ministry of Pilgrims UCC.

Plans are underway for the Christmas Pageant. The children have begun working with Gigi on music for our Las Posadas pageant. Dress rehearsal will be 3:30 pm on Saturday, December 12 with the pageant presented as worship on December 13 at 10:00 am. Our choir will join the children in singing and the whole congregation will sing a lot of favorite carols. You are all invited and also encouraged to bring treats to celebrate afterward (remember no peanuts or other nuts). You might also plan to bring non-gluten options for those who need them. Bring your favorite cookies or non-sweet treats to share along with good conversation and visiting.

Christmas is often a hard time for a lot of folks – a time when the darkness seems to overcome the light we talk about so much in church at this time of year. It is okay to grieve – to feel sad – to feel empty and lost. Our Sunday morning worship on December 20 will acknowledge these feelings as well as those of folks in need of more physical healings with a Healing Worship Service.

And don’t forget our Christmas Eve Candlelight service on December 24. We’ll begin with special music at 3:45 pm and include a lot of music along with a little pageantry of the Nativity scene, concluding our worship just as darkness arrives with a circle of candlelight in our sanctuary while singing Silent Night. Make your Christmas plans so that you and your family and friends can attend this special service.

My prayer for you this first week of Advent is that you make times to slow down, to find the joy in the midst of the frenzy, the presence of the Holy One in the gift giving of the season.
