We are OPEN and AFFIRMING and a JUST PEACE Church.
Wherever you are on your faith journey,
you are welcome here.

Friday, December 11, 2009

From your pastor and teacher:

What a wonderful celebration of welcoming and community last Sunday. A very special welcome to our new members: Kim and Andy Bleasdale and infant daughter Hailey, Jill Ashley-Growchowski, Gretchen Gardebring, Kathy Grafe, and Heather and Ryan Walker and infant twins Reece and Amelia. We also celebrated the sacrament of baptism for Ryan, Reece and Amelia Walker. What a joyful day for our church!

This coming Sunday, we’ll join with our children as they lead us in a global version of Las Posadas. A reminder to all parents and children from kindergarten through jr. high – there will be a final rehearsal of the pageant and worship service on Saturday afternoon from 3:30 – 6:00 pm. If you can’t make the rehearsal or will be late, please email Robin or Gigi to let us know. Parents – we could also use some help bringing in and setting up the risers.

Also – a last minute reminder to bake (or buy) cookies or other treats [remember no nuts] to share during fellowship time on Sunday following the pageant.
And while you are out and about, don’t forget to pick up a Christmas gift (or two or three) for a child our youth. You may place it under the CROSS giving tree. The gifts will be delivered to CROSS early in the week so that they can be sorted and distributed to families who need them.

Looking ahead – on Sunday, December 20 we will be offering a healing and wholeness service as our final Sunday in Advent. Recognizing that the holiday season is not always a celebration of joy for everyone, we will make room for grief and sadness and include rituals of healing, and prayers and blessings for hopefulness.

And don’t forget that our Christmas Eve Candlelight service of Lessons and Carols will begin at 3:45 pm with a prelude of special music. Bring your family and friends to worship with us celebrating this very special day. Angel, shepherd and sheep costumes will be available for children to wear to participate in our Nativity scene during worship.

I hope that all of you are finding – making – time to slow down a little, to revel in the sparkle and glitter of a million multicolored glittering lights on trees and houses and office buildings, giving us just a glimpse of what it will be like when the ‘Light of the World – Jesus the Christ’ comes bursting into our world on Christmas once again. May the deep, deep peace of this season be with you all.
